My Story

Jack of all trades and master of none has been my life's theme for as long as I can remember. I have always enjoyed learning practical skills and the feeling of independence when you can do something on your own. For me, that's where the joy and challenge of baking comes from; trying to re-create a recipe you had somewhere else, or turning a little cookie into a piece of art! The satisfaction of knowing that what I produce can make someone's day a little brighter also aides in giving me a reason to pursue something I truly enjoy.
If you want to know more about me, read on, if not, feel free to stop here. My name is Jessie Nendza and I recently moved back to Lancaster, PA. If you read the top paragraph you may recall me mentioning that "jack of all trades, master of none" is the theme to my life. That theme was certainly highlighted in my college career as I tried to find a major. I started at Penn State in 2009 as a kinesiology major and quickly switched to elementary education when I thought all you could do in the fitness world was become a personal trainer or physical therapist (I was so wrong!). I soon found out that as much as I love kids and teaching, elementary ed. wasn't for me. After spending most of my sophomore year searching for something new, I stumbled on adventure recreation, which for me, encompassed three things I value; teaching, fitness and the outdoors. After finishing my undergrad I returned to Penn State for grad school and to work as a program manager for Penn State's freshmen orientation backpacking program, but I still hadn't found my calling.
During my time in grad school, I revisited my passion for fitness and became a CrossFit coach. Currently, coaching CrossFit has become what I enjoy doing most, as it serves as an environment where you get to try something new every day, and push your limits to see what you can achieve! Although I truly love the fitness world,I have found that I still need an artistic outlet, which is where baking and cookie decorating come into play. I started seriously decorating cookies in the summer of 2017 for family birthdays and small events, and discovered that people really enjoyed them! Knowing that I can produce something that others sincerely enjoy gives me the drive to get better and to perfect my recipes.!
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